How reading can expand imagination and form relaxation!

          Reading is not only good for knowledge, but also expanding on imagination and relaxation. You can read about nonfictional and fictional stories. There is a lot of good books out there that make you connect to the characters and feel what they feel. Reading about a fictional character, or real character, can make you think about how they relate to you. Seeing someone else's life and journey makes you reflect on your own. There are tons of books out there you can read that are accessible anywhere online or your library. 
          The imagination for reading is endless. There are millions of books in the world created by lots of authors. Reading allows you to imagine what the author is telling you, by giving feeling and emotion. When you read about a character, you get to understand who they are. There are a lot of good book examples about mental health. They give you better insight to how you can help the mind and ease stress. When you are reading it stimulates your brain and helps you think better. If you are someone who has anxiety or depression, reading can be really helpful to you. It helps control thoughts and makes the negative into a positive. It allows the brain to rest but still think at the same time. When you learn about a character and what they went through, you learn about them more. You understand their intentions in the choices they make. It helps you reflect yourself on to a character in the book you relate to most. You tend to follow their motives because of how much it relates to you. If there is a character in a book who inspires you, try to think about why they do. Think about why they make the choices they make to understand the one you make. 



          Not only is reading good for the mind, but it's also good for the heart. When you learn about character in a book you find out who they are. You understand their intentions to what they do. This can be beneficial to you in the real world too. You can start understanding people and why they act the way they do. Most people see only the surface of someone and judge right away. You can try to understand that person because everyone has a story. People make decisions based off what they know. There are a lot of people you can also relate to in the real world through reading. Lots of people like to read even if it's not an actual book. There are hundreds of ways you can read something online. You can read an e-book, a blog, a post, or whatever you want online. You can connect with others who also share the same interest. Even if you don't like reading, you might be surprised to how much you relate to someone else who does. You can make lots of friends from activities that have to do with reading too. Readers are most compassionate when it comes to others because they read about others more. They understand people a lot better from experience through reading.



          You can pretty much read wherever you want. If you are not busy, sit down to read something. If you are in school and waiting, read a book. It also is a good way to pass time without even knowing it. The best part about books is that there are tons of genres. You can choose from happy, sad, horror, and a lot more. Comics are also a form of reading that inspires others. There is a book for everyone, you just have to find your liking. Books improve self-development and can change your mood instantly. It takes you away from the world for a moment to imagine your own. The best part is there isn't just one way to interpret books. Anyone can have their own image of characters and events that happen within the book. It keeps you thinking and wondering exactly what it looks like. Reading can expand vocabulary too on top of that. Reading is a really good way to change your mindset if you are feeling sad or depressed. You can change that mood and make it better by reading. 



          it doesn't have to be a task to read, but rather an enjoyment. In school you are asked to read books that don't fit your genre. Out of school there are millions of other books that could change your perspective on life. Take the time to find a book you like. Look online or in a library for a book you think looks interesting. There are tons of beneficial ways it can help the mind. It makes you focus better and can change your mood and attitude about certain situations. You never know, maybe you will find that book soon. 

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