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Check out these activities!

Below are all articles on different ways you can ease and destress the mind. These are all accessible to everyone and can be used anytime. There will be more added in the future for you to read and enjoy!

All Activities

How these will help

All of these activities allow you to do something else rather than thinking about stresses. It is good to have some stress in your life, but everyone needs a break now and then. These activities allow you to do what you like and maybe find other stuff you like too. You can find happiness in the little activities that don't require much effort! This video is a song I made that helped me let out some emotions I was feeling.

Here are some other activities you can try!

These are some other activities you can do that soon will have its own article about it.

Check out these paintings!

These are some of the paintings the community has made. If you would like to send in your painting, send it through email or our discord! Make sure to send your name and the name of the art piece.


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We have a Discord where all of you can chat in! It is free to join and there are people in it who are going through similar things as you. There will be announcements and lots of other things. If you would like to join and learn more, click the link below!